scare the pants off someone

scare the pants off someone
expr sl

He scared the pants off his sister by sneaking up on her in the darkness — Он напугал свою сестру до смерти, подкравшись к ней в темноте

You got the pants scared off you — Я вижу, ты совсем струхнул

It takes a lot to scare the pants off a hardened criminal — Закоренелого преступника не так-то легко взять на понт

Новый англо-русский словарь современной разговорной лексики. - М.:«Русский язык-Медиа» . . 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "scare the pants off someone" в других словарях:

  • scare the pants off someone — scare the pants off (someone) See at: caught with pants down …   New idioms dictionary

  • scare the pants off someone — bore/annoy/scare/etc the pants off someone informal phrase to make someone feel very bored, annoyed, scared etc Opera bores the pants off him. Thesaurus: to make someone feel a particular emotion or strong emotionssynonym …   Useful english dictionary

  • scare the pants off someone — tv. to righten someone suddenly. □ The piano lid fell and scared the pants off my parents. □ It takes a lot to scare the pants off a hardened criminal …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • scare the pants off (someone) — Vrb phrs. To terrify (someone). E.g. When I saw the muscles on him it scared pants off me …   English slang and colloquialisms

  • scare the pants off (someone) — Vrb phrs. To terrify (someone). E.g. When I saw the muscles on him it scared pants off me …   English slang and colloquialisms

  • scare the pants off — (someone) See at: caught with pants down …   New idioms dictionary

  • scare (or bore etc.) the pants off someone — informal make someone extremely scared, bored, etc. → pants …   English new terms dictionary

  • the pants off someone — (slang) To scare, bore, etc someone to a great degree ● pants …   Useful english dictionary

  • scare the pants off — [beat/bore/scare etc.] the pants off (someone) informal if someone or something beats, bores, scares etc. the pants off someone, they beat, bore, or scare them completely. I hate sunbathing. It bores the pants off me. Horror films scare the pants …   New idioms dictionary

  • (the) pants off someone — [beat/bore/scare etc.] the pants off (someone) informal if someone or something beats, bores, scares etc. the pants off someone, they beat, bore, or scare them completely. I hate sunbathing. It bores the pants off me. Horror films scare the pants …   New idioms dictionary

  • bore the pants off someone — bore/annoy/scare/etc the pants off someone informal phrase to make someone feel very bored, annoyed, scared etc Opera bores the pants off him. Thesaurus: to make someone feel a particular emotion or strong emotionssynonym …   Useful english dictionary

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